The board keeps booting in a loop

My board keeps booting in a loop, how can I solve this problem?

Please check whether you are connected to a 12v3a power adapter or Type-C fast charge

What I am connecting now is a USB to Type-C cable. Do you mean that Type-C fast charging is needed to start the system?

Yes, armsom-w3 currently supports 12v3a power adapter and Type-C fast charging to boot the system

If you only connect the USB to Type-C cable, the power supply will be insufficient and it will keep restarting.

Thanks for the reminder, now the loop restart problem has been solved

I also encountered the same situation, but will solve it tomorrow using this method

If you only connect the USB to Type-C cable, the power supply will be insufficient and it will keep restarting.
Another situation is that you executed the software loop reboot command,please check

This issue has been resolved